Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week 8 Washington D.C.

I enjoyed this making this map alot. Everything went smoothly unlike the last one for me.

Thanks Joe

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Assignment Alachua County

This project was very long. I did have problems with the overlays though. I don't think I got the answers correct for the overlay.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Unit 5 Impact Assessment Pewter City Maps

I did have a problem with the last map (economic) though. The question to create the query was kinda of vague on the ESRI site. I ask our fellow students in the discussion areas and was finally able to pull the right query successfully.

Thanks Joe

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Oil Spill Participitation Exercise Summary

GIS is an invaluable tool in the event of natural disasters. GIS can be used for a variety of disasters, both Natural and Man-made.

In relation to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, GIS is being used for a variety of purposes by British Petroleum (BP),federal, state and local government agencies.

First Responders could be using GIS to map out the location and movement of the oil slick in relation to the coast line in order to predict where the oil slick makes landfall.

Enviromental agencies could be using GIS to map out protected species and conservation areas in respect to the actual oil slick location.

Federal agencies like FEMA could be using GIS to map out different command centers along the Gulf Coast of the United States that can be used for a variety of purposes such as handing out important information to news outlets and giving local volunteer groups directions to the nearest and most important cleanup sites.

National Marine Fisheries can use GIS to map the oil slick in order to ban commercial and recreational fishing in certain areas due the oil slick.
State and local commerce agencies can use GIS analyze where the oil slick is expected to make landfall in order to better predict the negative financial impact some areas will sustain.

GIS can offer professionals who are involved in the oil spill cleanup a large variety of uses to help them better visualize and analyze the oil spill, at which point the professional/agency can make better quality decisions in regard to solutions to the oil spill.

Deepwater Horizon Participation Animation Exercise


Deep Water Oil Spill Exercise